$350.00 USD

Every month

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Love Mastery: Love Luminary

  • All Tier 1Benefits,
  • Two One-on-One Sessions: Deepen your healing journey with additional personalized sessions to address specific needs and goals. Experience the power of focused attention and guidance as you navigate your transformational path. 

Here is what you get in Tier 1

  • Every Month Your Get:
  • Love Mindset Mastery: In this call, we'll focus on transforming limiting beliefs and cultivating a positive mindset around love and relationships. We'll explore techniques to release past traumas, build self-confidence, and develop a deep sense of self-love. This call will provide the foundation for creating a healthy and fulfilling love life.
  • Relationship Strategies and Communication: This call will dive into effective relationship strategies and communication skills. We'll explore topics such as setting boundaries, effective conflict resolution, and fostering healthy communication patterns. You'll learn how to navigate challenges and create harmonious connections in your love life.
  • Manifesting Your Perfect Life Partner: Monthly Healing Call that focuses on healing what is restricting your manifesting.
  • 3 Weekly Check Ins Per Month- To get personal guidance in the Akashic Records, and practices used in the membership.

On Demand Video/Audio Library with meditations, yoga nidra, journaling prompts, etc. to support you on your journey.

Join us today and experience the following collective benefits:

  • Monthly Meditations: Access guided meditations to promote relaxation, inner peace, and personal growth. Cultivate a regular meditation practice and tap into the transformative power of stillness.
  • Monthly Yoga Nidra: Experience the profound benefits of Yoga Nidra, a guided relaxation practice for deep rest and rejuvenation. Release stress, tension, and anxiety as you enter a state of profound relaxation.
  • Journal Prompts: Receive thought-provoking prompts to inspire self-reflection and personal growth. Uncover hidden insights, gain clarity, and deepen your understanding of yourself and your journey.
  • Community Support: Connect with like-minded individuals who are on their own healing and transformation journeys. Share experiences, offer support, and celebrate each other's successes.
  • Exclusive Discounts: Enjoy special discounts on additional services, workshops, and events offered within the Love Mastery Collective. Deepen your exploration and take advantage of unique opportunities for growth.

What People Are Saying:

Donna has the purest of intentions and she's incredibly gifted. I am a big believer (after a variety of healing sessions) that the person you go to for help can make or break your experience - with a certain modality, topic that arises etc. I felt so safe to let the session go wherever it needed to go with Donna - especially because of her background as a therapist. I have some deep dark things in there and I felt confident she'd be able to hold space and navigate the session with ease.